
Friday, March 7, 2014

Before Qatar, Study

Hopefully this blog site provides useful, and occasionally entertaining, information about moving to and living in Qatar.  The more one knows about life in Qatar before departing the better the transition is.  That’s the whole purpose of this site – so one can learn from recent, first-hand experiences to be ready to go upon arrival.  At the same time, it’s good to get several perspectives on the subject.

To that end, a couple of suggestions on books I found helpful in preparing to move to Qatar.  The Expat’s Guide to Living and Working in Qatar, edited by Candice Brissenden, was of great use.  It covers everything from Qatari culture, to educational opportunities, to transportation, even weather and places to shop.  While it did not cover anything – and nothing substitutes first-hand experience – it provided a decent glimpse of what to expect.  Plus, Amazon’s Kindle edition is only $8…not a bad price.é Snoxall’s Moving to Qatar – A Rough Guide was a bit shorter, but still provided good information in brief.  It’s “Getting Around” section was fairly informative, as were parts on what to anticipate day to do.  Even better, the e-book goes for $4.

Then again, you don’t need either of those, you have this blog…for free.

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